Date: 26th to 30th of may 2014

Location: Chinisau, Moldawia

The working meeting took place at Continuing Education Institute (Moldova) and in the Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga". The meeting was dedicated to the preparation & implementation of short-term intensive training courses and to the development and publication of curricula, courses and training materials for proffessional training of teachers and decision makers in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education.

Agenda of the Coordination Meeting in Chisinau


I. Main Discussion

4.2. Development and publication of curricula, courses and training materials for proffessional training of promoters in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education.

In the meeting a participating the 34 representatives from Continuous Education Institute (Chisinau), Alicante University, The Minsk Institute for Education development, The Belarusian State Pedagogical University M. Tank, The Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Odesa Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute, South Ukrainian Pedagogical Institute “K.D.Ushynsky”, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, The Pedagogical State University “Ion Creanga”, State University “Alecu Russo” from Balti. Representatives from Karlsruhe University (project coordinator) a participate in the meetings in online mode. At the opening of the meeting was attended Michail Shliakhtitsky, the advisor to the President of Moldova, Valentin Arion, head of National Tempus Office, Elena Petrov, representative of the Ministry of Education of Moldova, which greet the participants of the meeting and wished INOVEST to be successful.
Presentation of the results of the last activities was explanation by Mr. Simion Caisin, Continuing Education Institute, MD, Project academic coordinator. During the meeting, the participants of the project took part in the 7 workshops for short-term intensive training courses for the staff (training of trainers).

The workshop was dedicated for explanation and the study of the INOVEST methodology of the INSET face-to-face and online teaching and learning procedures using platform Adobe Connect and tools Adobe Presenter, Adobe Captivate and Adobe Events (trainers Simion Caisin, Grigore Turcan, Liuba Tibulischi).
A separate workshop was dedicated to demonstrate the INOVEST online Videoconferencing on the example of the Module 5 «Teaching today» with the participation of MD 6 pilot schools.

Other workshop was dedicated to analyse the level of development of each of the 14 modules of the project. Rapporteurs advocated Mr. Caisin, Mr. Beizerau, Mr. Sedov, Mr. Turcan, Mr. Racu, Mr. Stingu, Ms. Maroz, Ms. Tintiuc, Ms. Losii, Ms.Khadzhyradieva, Ms. Hamanovich, Ms. Minich, Ms. Dikova – Favorskaya, Ms. Perjan.
During the meeting was study the best practices in continuing and initial teachers training in Moldova (rapporteurs advocated Mr. Vancea, Ms. Pritcan and Mr. Racu, vice rectors).

Also, during the meeting was study the experience of the MD pilot schools:
Theoretic lyceum “Mihai Viteazul”, Primary school 120 and The Republican Center for Children and Youth "ARTICO".
During the meeting was organized two coordination meetings: first - to discuss the state of affairs with the delivery of equipment, gave hearing to information from representative of supplier BPS PRO, the second - to discuss the arrangements for the preparation of documents for staff costs and printing costs.

II. Outcomes of the meeting

  1. The curricula for professional training of teachers, decision makers and promoters in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education has been developed and adopted for all INOVEST target groups in accordance with the national law of the Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.
  2. The courses and training materials INOVEST (14 modules) has been developed by international author team and currently the materials are edited, prepared for publication and translation into national languages. Have been given the practical recommendation for improving some modules.
  3. Prepared the short-term intensive training courses for the staff has been provided in area of using the platform Adobe Connect, tools Adobe Presenter, Adobe Captivate and Adobe Events. This will allow the partner universities since September 2014 start of the INOVEST courses into the methodology of the INSET face-to-face and online teaching and learning process.
  4. The topics discussed at the coordination meetings (the state of delivery of equipment, the arrangements for the preparation of documents for staff costs and printing costs) allowed to clarify the specific situation of each partners and has provided recommendations for how to operate in order achieving the project's goals by each partners. The meeting was prepared by a high logistical level. The activities was productive and interesting.