14 of February 2014 – together with the Department of Education and Science of Odesa Municipal Council the State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky” held a round table “Inclusive education introduction in Odessa region”.


At the work of a round table the following teachers of “South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (A. Ananiev, M. Barban, O. Sakalyuk, M. Torgan, A. Chebykin, N. Chernenko,          S.Hadzhiradeva,  E. Sedov and others), the Head of the Department of Education and Science of Odesa Municipal Council (Z. Tsvirinko), officials of Odessa region educational establishments and their assistants (N. Ephimova, N. Romanenko, N. Phylatova and others), the head of the psycho-educational service of disabled children rehabilitation center “Future” (M. Berezina), the head of the City psycho-medical-educational advisory center of the Department of Education and Science of Odessa Municipal Council (O.Golubeva), Ukrainian and international experts on inclusive education problems (E. Dikova-Phavorskay, L. Zadorozhna, S. Zdragat, S. Caisin, D. Pavlova, T. Moroz, I. Raku, V. Pretskan and others) took part.

blonde woman at table with microphon

At the work of a round work table the questions on the mechanisms of realization of state policy as to inclusive education introduction, the possibility of implementation of European experience of inclusive education introduction in Ukraine were discussed. It was noted a low degree of education establishments preparedness for inclusive education introduction.

red haired woman at table with microphone

The National Coordinator of the International Project “Eastern partnership in pedagogical innovations in inclusive education” from Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences in State Management, Professor S. Hadzhiradeva presented the elaborated practical guidelines and acquired literature for managers of education, promoters, teachers on the questions of education within inclusion. The opportunities and perspectives of using four laboratories which are equipped with special devices and software products within the project INOVEST were under discussion.

As a result of the work of the conducted round table the decision on social partnership “parents - children – school – society” in the context of inclusive education development and conducting trainings for parents and teachers from Odessa schools was taken.